Consultation Process Started


UCTE-IPS/UPS Feasibility Study finalised: Summary endorsed by study partners

The study analysing the feasibility of a possible synchronous coupling of the power systems of the IPS/UPS with the UCTE was successfully closed on 5 December. A public summary of the major findings and results was endorsed by the study partners during a closing event together with major stakeholders of the project. The final conclusions underline the overall complexity of a synchronous coupling taking into consideration both system security and market aspects. System coupling by HVDC back-to-back links is also considered as an alternative to achieve a coupling of IPS/UPS with the UCTE transmission system in a medium term perspective.  

UCTE started external consultation on revised Policies of the Operation Handbook

As part of UCTE standing procedures related to the reliability of the system, UCTE has revised the Operation Handbook Policies 1, 2 and 3 (first released in 2005). These policies are open now for public consultation at the UCTE Website.  

1st European Electricity Grid Reliability Conference

Stakeholder conference with some 350 participants from some 35 countries with policy makers, regulators, business, NGOs and media.  

New UCTE Grid Map available

The updated UCTE grid map is now available in the 2008 version.  

Reworked Website with new Data Handling section

Reworked UCTE Website with new data handling and data portal section.  

TSOs for electricity are founding new association

Transmission System Operators (TSOs) for electricity are founding a new association to strengthen their co-operation in the European electricity market.  

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IBAN: BE90310165874332  |  BIC: BBRUBEBB
Last changes: 2008-12-10