Requirements to generating units

It is of crucial importance that generating units meet technical requirements relevant to system security. Moreover appropriate dynamic behavior of generating units, protection levels and control facilities are necessary in normal operating conditions and in a range of disturbed operating conditions in case of perturbations to the system or during system restoration in order to preserve or to re-establish system security and equipment integrity.  

Large-scale CIM Interoperability Test verified UCTE profile

UCTE and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), along with European and American vendors and Transmission System Operators (TSO) conducted one of the largest CIM interoperability tests to date. The test, held on March 23rd – 27th in Paris, was organized by UCTE, directed by EPRI and hosted by RTE (TSO of France).  

Frequency Investigation Report published

The Frequency Investigation Report outlines an investigation by an expert team of UCTE, including a risk analysis and recommendations to work against the critical situation of frequency deviations inside the UCTE area.  

UCTE releases the 2008 Compliance Oversight report including Compliance Audit reports

The UCTE Compliance Oversight Report 2008 presents the results achieved within the scope of the regular compliance self-assessment performed in 2008.  

ENTSO-E appoints Secretary General

Brussels, 10th February, 2009 –The European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E), appointed Konstantin Staschus as Secretary General at a meeting of its Assembly on 5th February, 2009 in Brussels. Konstantin’s appointment is for an initial 4 year term.  

Call for offers: Development of “Visualization and Editing tool” for CIM

In order to facilitate the use of the new CIM data exchange format, in line with IEC standards, UCTE will acquire a “Visualization and editing tool” for its staff and members’ staff. This is the call for offers.  

TSOs for Electricity publish interim report of European Wind Integration Study

The 15 electricity transmission system operators participating at European Wind Integration Study (EWIS) have published their interim report, approved by the European Commission in December 2008. This report describes the chosen study methodologies and current study activities in progress. EWIS will provide a positive and constructive input to the process of constructing a less carbon-dependent Europe. Publication of the final report is planned in autumn 2009. The final report aims to deliver recommendations for policy makers.  

Successful first Pan-European Conference on Reliability of Power Grids by UCTE

The first Conference on Reliability of Power Grids in Europe confirmed a great consensus in the key role of Transmission System Operators in the reliability of the European electricity grid and the achievement of the ambitious 20-20-20 targets of the European Commission. It was underlined that reliability today can only be ensured by system operators, provided that their efforts are backed by a consistent action at the interfaces of system operation, namely by policy-makers, regulators, grid users, and R&D entities. The conference was attended by some 380 participants from 42 countries who actively participated in a broad exchange of views on expectations of all involved parties.  

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Last changes: 2009-05-31